Friday, February 20, 2009

Our almost new Kitchen

Our new appliances came today; so the only thing left to do is replace the countertops. I might even have to cook on the new stove, but then again I want it to stay new so I guess I won't be doing that. Bill thinks I should, but he should rethink that too.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lunch with the Old Ladies

Katie and I met Betty and Judy for lunch at the Frosty Gator. I thought it was the corrupting of my niece since it is a bar, but she has been in others. We all had a good visit and they have great fries. Katie likes going to lunch with us, since I buy and she gets her ears full of old lady talk.

Betty and Judy (Garfield, too)

Jessica and I were in the DI in Pocatello and Jessica had a Garfield alert. We got this for Judy who collects anything Garfield. It was quite fun and Judy was grateful to add another Garfield to her collection.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Birthday Party at Work

That is the best cheese cake ever made. I wanted to eat the whole thing, but thought better of it. My buddy Andy. We were laughing and Jim took the picture with our eyes closed. BAD
Ray and not happy Barbara, the maker of the best cheese cake in the world or at least the Post Office.

Andy and Jim having enchiladas and cake.