Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kyler is Now a Dog Groomer!

Kyler got up this morning and found the scissors and Lacy sat still for him. (dumb dog) Kyler usually gets me up or his Mom, but this morning he was up and improving Lacy's fresh haircut. Then he came in a said Grandma get up I cut Lacy's hair. All I could see was a pair of scissors and didn't really hear what he said. I took them away from him and told him to get his Mom. Later we discoverd the dog hair eveywhere. I'm sure he tried to get Daisy too, but she won't go near him at all. Kyler with the scissors and Mom's help. Mom and Dad better put everything under lock and key; not that it matter he will get what he wants.

Helping out Mindy

Kyler was helping Mindy put the finishing touches on a squash book for Sara's friend Sharon. Actually Sharon is his self-appointed Grandma in Arizona. He has them everywhere.
This is his pose when his Mom tells him not too. He is pretty cute, but a pistol.

Great Aunt Jessica

Jessica stopped by to see us. We are a fun bunch!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Too Tired to even wake up for my favorite bath time.

Sammy had a rough day yesterday. We had a barbeque and played games. It was so hot (94) and I think he had had it. He slept through the whole bath. I washed his hair, under his chin and arms; he never woke up once. It was too funny. I would like to experience life like that again and just take a nap in the tub.

Grandma's Newest Disney fan!

Got Sammy going on Disney like his brother.

I just want to eat something; anything; anything at all.

Is this a surprised look; or oh no she's doing it to me too?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

1st Annual Bean Bag Tournament

Bill won 2 out of 3 of the tournaments. I don't know who else won other than me and Mindy came in behind the pack; we will be practicing for the next one. Wyatt keeping score
Mindy in excellant form

Wyatt concentrating so he could kick my butt and he did. He came from behind to beat me.

Quiet Fourth of July

Beauthiful fountain Fourth of July Family (Kyler the only one with a good pose) Bad Photographer
Samatha, Kyler and Grey, I think Samatha is the only one enjoying the beautiful fountains.

Giant sparkler

Love the backs of their heads for some reason. they were so cute laying on the ground watching the fireworks.