Sunday, August 23, 2009

Our cute Grandsons

I don't know why I love this picture. It's just cute. Kyler does love his brother very much. He is always kissing him. I'm sure some day Sammy will get him back for all those kisses.

A little bit of the devil in him; wouldn't want it any other way.

Sweet baby boy.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Precious Pears

This is how you take care of pears for them to ripen. You place them on a towel; not touching each other and you have turn them every so often also. I am really doing this only because it brought lots of laughter at our dinner party. Pictures to follow. Thank you Kaye, Sharon, Diane, and Judy for sharing.

My New and Old Friends

These are my new friends from Texas, Rick and Kay. Kay is Judy's cousin. We all met for dinner at Jakers and had a very time laughing and talking. Cousins Kay and Judy

My friend Betty; who is also Judy's aunt. I have not seen her for a long time; we had a nice visit.

Judy and Betty.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Last of the ocean! Last of vacation!

This is the view from our motel. I was trying to get the lighthouse that is on the land down the beach, but you can't see it. The Hallmark hotel is where we spent our honeymoon. The hotel gave us a bottle of sand with a note of congratulations. It was very nice. We slept with the windows open listening to the ocean all night long. Very relaxing. Some day we are going to go to the ocean where it is warm and the sand is white. Maybe on our 15th anniversary we will take a cruise.

Fort Clatsop; Lewis and Clarks winter quarters

Watching the flag go up in morning services at the fort. The flag has 15 stars and 15 stripes.

Bill in Lewis and Clarks quarters. Very hard bed.

Bill found his girlfriend at the fort. Too bad she doesn't cook and clean.

Me standing at the gates of the fort. It was very interesting to see how they lived the winter before they headed back to Washington to report their trip. Close quarters and very wet and cold I'm, sure.

Long Beach, Wahington

We made it to the ocean at Long Beach, Oregon. It is the longest beach in the Northwest; 26 miles long. We stayed at a motel called Our Place at the Beach; which wasn't really too near to the beach. After a long walk we made it. Bill met some dolphin friends on the path.

The Dalles, Oregon

This is a fountain at the fish hatchery that is by the Bonneville dam. It was very interesting; they have the world's largest sturgeon in captivity "Herman". This was Bill's favorite part of the trip and only the second day. Feeding the trout at the hatchery.
This is the fish ladders where all the fish have to go up the Columbia River into the ocean. They have to be all counted. We missed when there was 100 an hour going by, but we still saw some fish going up the ladders.

This is a turbine that was once part of the dam. Huge!

We stopped at a few falls along the way; nature at it's best.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Vacation to Boise

We started out our vacation stopping in Boise and visiting with Mike and his family. We haven't seen the boys for over a year. Bad Grandparents. This is Kanyon he is 3 and has the cutest dimples ever. He is a very busy 3 year old; must be the age. Grandpa and the three boys.

All the High's; except the picture taker. Isiah is 10 and Taylor is 8. We took the boys shopping; (Grandparents guilt) and told them they could have anything they wanted. They were very good and did not take advantage of us. Next time boys. We did have a good visit.