Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter in Soda

What is left of dinner. Sorry Jessica, but if you look really close you will see an Easter Bunny hiding. (so that is the person in the pic)
Jessica is making Sheryl's(my sister in law) birthday present. There is still time to quit school. I bet Molly's mirror is still on your table. (I love you very much)
Celebrating graduation and birthday. It is an orange M&M watch her favorite color and dots one of the four basic food groups.

Janis came to visit us. We had some good laughs and a good visit.


  1. Marla, Marla, Marla.... WHAT is my uncle wearing on your main picture? Is that sweats with .... SOCKS and SLIPPERS?!? Oh my, I have decided its a High thing. Dont worry, I have sent the fashion police to you for help. They should arrive shortly.

  2. Heather,
    The one saving grace is that he has on levi's. I don't dress him he is on his own. How are you and how do I leave a comment on your blog?
