Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Night Out with the High Family

Bill and Wes took Gary and Linda out to dinner to thank them for taking care of their Dad's place before it sold.The wives got to go along to do damage control for the waitress. Deb got in a good zinger on Gary. We went to Red Lobster in Pocatllo, the food was good and so was the company. Gary did all the teasing of our young waitress; ordering diet Bud and so forth. She took it well. Bill and Wes held back; to unleash all three of them would probably have got us kicked out.
We had a great time hearing about Judy and Linda's Vegas trip. Judy was in a disapearing act at the David Coperfield show and vanished into thin air and as you can see she is still missing. Wish you could have been with us Judy we had a great time. Hopefully she and John can make it next time we all get together.

1 comment:

  1. AHA! A new way to keep tabs on my parents! And my aunts and uncles too of course! :)

